THE POWER AND WISDOM OF YESHUA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Last Name First Name Company Address Apt. # City State Zip Telephone Email Country of Origin Church Affiliation Ordained Minister: YES NO If Yes, Please Check: PASTOR TEACHER APOSTLE EVANGELIST PROPHET CHECK FOR REGISTRATION ONLY: $275 PER PERSON - NON REFUNDABLE (4 MEALS INCLUDED) You must be registered to attend any session(s). ROOM COST (OCCUPANCY FOR 2 NIGHTS ADULTS ONLY) room tax included. 1 IN A ROOM - $480.00 2 IN A ROOM - $240.00 3 IN A ROOM - $160.00 4 IN A ROOM - $120.00 For those desiring 2, 3, or 4 in a room, please list the name of your roommate(s) here. Please check here if you are open to be randomly paired with roommate(s). Check here if you would like to be transported by bus both ways. Bus transportation is optional. Cost to be determined. Payment is accepted by credit card online. If paying by Zelle, please send to: If paying by check, money order, or cashiers check, make the check payable to: ANLFC and in the memo write “WOVI”. Installment payments are accepted with a limit of 3 installments only. Total Payment Made $ Date Send If paying by check, please mail check to:All Nations Living Fountains ChurchP.O.Box 45465Los Angeles, CA 90045 If paying by credit card, please send your form first then click here.